ASTRA Wall Work Videos

Wall work is a great way to work on your technical skills when you're alone. Use a curb outside your house, the side of a building, or any rebounding surface around your home. You can practice anything from juggling to long balls using just a wall and a ball! After a few weeks of wall work you'll notice the ball sticking to your foot and the quality of your passes will improve.

Some of the benefits of wall work include:

  • Comfortability with the ball

  • Pass accuracy and pass quality 

  • Receiving difficult balls

  • Tracking the speed, distance and spin of the wall 

“Remember, the best players do the simple things extremely well and consistently. You can make wall work very simple to set a strong foundation for yourself and build on it with more complexity. Make it your own, have fun, and get creative with it!”

— Coach JayJay

Beginner Wall Work

Intermediate Wall Work

Advanced Wall Work